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The latest about Conversational AI and related technologies.

  • A demo of a chatbot in WhatsApp using ChatGPT

    A demo of a chatbot in WhatsApp using ChatGPT

    Discover how ChatGPT can help improve the accuracy and relevance of your WhatsApp chatbot responses.

  • Solving Facebook JS SDK Login Issues related to secure browser headers

    Solving Facebook JS SDK Login Issues related to secure browser headers

    Are you grappling with Facebook login integration on your website, only to be baffled by the infamous status: “unknown” response from the Facebook JavaScript SDK? You’re not alone. Many developers have encountered this issue, and the solution might not be as apparent as you’d hope. In this blog post, we’ll explore a real-world case where the Facebook login was failing, and how a seemingly unrelated HTTP headerplayed a pivotal role in resolving the problem.

  • ACL checks in LiveView using function decorators

    ACL checks in LiveView using function decorators

    As an Elixir developer, you are probably already familiar with Phoenix Liveview, the new library to create fast and reactive web applications without requiring JavaScript. However, despite its growing popularity, there’s an important aspect of Liveview that needs to be addressed: its security model. Lately there have been some concerns about the potential vulnerabilities that Liveview might pose, and while there have been some discussions on the matter, no clear solutions have been proposed yet.

  • Botsquad is now part of Enreach 🎉

    Botsquad is now part of Enreach 🎉

    When we started Botsquad 3 years ago we set out to build THE best integrated development environment (IDE) for building conversational experiences. Using Bubblescript as a simple programming language you can develop sophisticated conversations in a modular and maintainable way.

  • Create better dialogs with Dialogflow and BubbleScript

    Create better dialogs with Dialogflow and BubbleScript

    With its mission statement: “to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Google invests a lot of time and money in understanding human language. No surprise that Google Dialogflow provides one of the best Natural Language Understanding (NLU) services and has become the go-to platform for building smart chatbots and voice assistants.

  • Avoiding chatbot frustration

    Avoiding chatbot frustration

    If you have ever used a chatbot, you have probably also experienced the dreadful “Sorry, I don’t understand.” For the user this basically means: dead end, no points, go back to start and try again. After 3 times, most users give up, leaving them with “chatbots are just dumb” and likely they won’t talk to chatbots again.

  • 5 tips to avoid the pitfalls with your Conversational AI project

    5 tips to avoid the pitfalls with your Conversational AI project

    Over the last few years while doing conversational projects, we have learned the following lessons that helped our customers and partners to create smarter chatbots and voice actions, and deliver them faster than the competition. We’d like to share some of our experiences with you in the form of 5 tips.

  • Making the Elixir Parser atom-safe

    Making the Elixir Parser atom-safe

    When I gave my talk about the Elixir parser on Elixirconf EU, I was introduced by the host as: “the guy who does things with the Elixir parser that nobody ever thought of”. I’ll take that as a compliment, I guess :-) This post is about one part of that talk: how the Elixir parser used to create atoms while parsing and how I contributed to fixing that.

  • The Elixir AST explained using the AST Ninja

    The Elixir AST explained using the AST Ninja

    Elixir is an extensible programming language, which means that, by using metaprogramming, we can enhance the way it works. And all of this is done on compile time, so that the resulting code is as efficient as if it were written by hand. The tool that plays a pivotal role in this is the Elixir parser, which creates an AST from source code files. This post explains what the AST is and how it can be explored more easily.

  • Why you should not miss CodeBEAM Lite Amsterdam

    Why you should not miss CodeBEAM Lite Amsterdam

    At the end of this month, november 30th, the CodeBEAM conference series lands in Amsterdam for a one-day CodeBEAM Lite conference.