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The latest about Conversational AI and related technologies.

  • Implementing a caching service worker with Phoenix

    Implementing a caching service worker with Phoenix

    At BotSquad, we believe that Bots are the new apps. And since we support a web interface to interact with a bot, we need that web interface to be as app-like as possible. Luckily, Google has largely the same vision, which has resulted in their Progressive Web App (PWA) effort.

  • Elixir.Amsterdam meetup presentation

    Elixir.Amsterdam meetup presentation

    Last night I gave a presentation about the architecture of the Botsquad platform to the Elixir Amsterdam meetup. I was asked to post the slides online, so here they are:

  • Join the Conversational Revolution!

    Join the Conversational Revolution!

    With more than 2 billion social messaging users out there, we believe that businesses should be responding to their customers using the same direct, personal and convenient interface. Existing solutions like Intercom and LiveChat are successfully applying this convenient way of interfacing to websites, but they come with a price.